
For the past few weak we have bean working on writing  and we got to chose aw own sup-jet and I chose Machines.

steps web

  This week I have done 21 steps out of 20. We use this site to learn how to spell and learn more words.

The grestist holiday ever.

Today I learnt how to embed my GOOGLE doc in my blog. 1. File 2. share 3. Publish to wed 4. embed 5.Then go to text and write width=100% height=1000px.

Embedding Google Slides.

Before I embed my slide I need to change  the share  settings to ”Anyone with a link”.

Then you need to go to file share, then publish  to web.

The click on embed, choose the size and playing  settings, and copy the code.

On my post I then click on Add Media, Insert embed Code,

past the code, and click on insert.